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How To Increase Your Teenager's Grades


by Sarah from Edwards Tutoring

As a parent myself, I know all too well that sometimes you just want quick things that you can do right now to help your older children. This is why I have compiled my list of 5 things you can do right now.

1) Introductions:

Don’t waffle. Introductions are not the place for filling up space with lots of fluff. Get straight to the point. Tell your reader exactly what they will expect. It is a bit like when you watch a TV show and they tell you what is coming up on the show.

2) Proof Read:

As much as it’s really easy to be so fed up with your essay you just want to get rid of it and hand it in. Don’t. Always have another pair of eyes look over it. As a parent, this can be you, one of their friends. As we all know we can all be so pushed for time which is why one thing about having a tutor is that many of us provide proofreading services too. Whenever my students have proofreading sessions I provide detailed feedback, ways they can improve, I identify areas that they have done well and can do more of. I also edit and check the spelling, grammar formatting. To find out more you can contact me

3. A good balance:

It is expected by A-Level and University stage that students can go beyond writing descriptively. Nailing this will boost their grades dramatically. One tip to ensure the writing is not too descriptive is. Go back through with two highlighters and highlight anywhere in the work you see description and anywhere where there is critical analysis. There should always be less description. Highlighting it makes it easy to identify.

4. Don’t rush the conclusion:

As mentioned above by the end of the essay it is easy to be so bored and fed up with it. This often means conclusions end up rushed. This is a quick way to lose marks. Nail this and you can finish strongly. Recap the argument – an easy way to do this is to bullet point the main things you have said in the essay to help you form a good concluding paragraph. Try not to sit on the fence, have a strong argument on the topic.

5. Figure out critical analysis:

Work out exactly what this is. So many students see this as feedback “ needs more critical analysis” Learning how to do this will really help. This is all about the how, why, why something, why not something else, the limitations, the gaps, ( and lots more). As with anything it takes practice. I have a handy free critical analysis tool to help you with exactly this which you can download for free here.

If you have an older student who will be starting or is at University I am running a live 8-week course starting 9th September 2021 to take them to step by step through constructing and developing their essay writing skills. To register your interest click here: Sarah is offering all readers of Chama Tuition an extra 10% off the action takers booking which will end 16th August.

Sarah Edwards is Psychology & Criminology Tutor and Coach who helps students boost their grades. Sarah helps graduates get started in their Criminology or Forensic Careers. Sarah Edwards is the author of Success On Probation: A Step By Step System To Reform Your Life And Release Yourself From Your Mental Jail, available to buy now on Amazon here.


Edwards Tutoring Buy my new book HERE ☏ 07922 604311 Facebook:Edwards Tutoring | Instagram: Edwards Tutoring | Linked in: Sarah Edwards

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