While your child is in school, they might feel bored and restricted with the tasks that they have to complete.
And as a parent, you might think that:
They don't care about school.
They are lazy.
They are struggling with the work.
But sometimes, it might be that they are simply..... bored!
And they would like to focus on topics or genres that are connected to things that interest them.
That's why, home learning provides a little space to explore their passions, especially if you homeschool your child permanently, it is much easier to implement their interests into certain subjects.
However, in-school students might have an odd moment in school, where they are given the freedom to write about their interests in a creative writing story. And there is always a moment for them to explore their passions in the type of books they read.
As an online writing tutor, I always try to find moments to link my student's interests in literacy, so I can keep them engaged. So here are my top tips on how you can do this successfully:
Top 6 Ways To Connect Your Child's Passion To Writing
- Find Out What They Enjoy
You might think you know your child inside and out, but you will be very surprised by the number of assumptions we make!
We might think we know what our children like, and that could be completely far from the truth.
As teenagers continue to evolve, so does their interests.
Therefore, it's good to monitor what type of movies, books or hobbies they enjoy.
Also, their friendship groups can be a good way to find this out.
And if you are lucky, maybe they will be enthusiastic enough to share it with you!
- Get Them To Add Their Interests Into Their Stories
When you know your child's interest, try to add their interest with some of their home learning or in-school tasks.
Write a story or poem of their choice, why not choose a genre/topic that is connected to their interest. For example, Your child might be a football fanatic, they might want to write a story about one of their favourite footballers.
Or even better,
They can write a letter to their future self! Where they are working in their dream job and doing their passion for a living!
The possibilities are endless to what you can do and how you can connect their passion to their writing!
- Get A Book/Audiobook That Matches Their Interests
Do you know which type of book your child enjoys? If not, make sure you find out, so they can read something that they find interesting, not boring.
Feel free to download my reading survey, which can tell you the type of books your child would enjoy and what is their reading habits:
- Show Interest In What They Enjoy
If your child gives you the floor to ask questions about their interest, take the bait, and continue to show enthusiasm in what they are talking about.
We should listen to our children anyway, and I understand how busy our lives can get. But if it is a few words of encouragement or an evening discussion, this can determine a child's future by just our response or reaction to certain things they say.
our children value our feedback, even if they deny it, so we must continue to listen and nurture our child's interests or passions.
You never know, you might be in their acceptance speech one day!
- Create Debate Topics Around What They Like
I love debate topics! And it can be so adaptable because this doesn't need to relate to their homeschool or in-school tasks. You could just bring it up as a casual conversation when you are all lounging at home, so it doesn't feel forced.
For example, if you have a child that is interested in global warming, you could ask: 'If you were Mayor of London, how would you stop global warming?"
Get them to develop their critical response with something that they love!
- Draw a vision board
This can be a very powerful visualising tool for not just your child, but you as well!
Why not do this together? If you have a child that is a great artist, they can draw their interest or draw a vision of where they see themselves in the next 5 - 10 years.
I have a vision board, and some of my passions have come to life, and some are still pending.......
Therefore, It teaches you to focus your mind on what you want and deserve, instead of what you don't want.
If your child is not much of an artist, they can always cut some photos from a magazine and stick them to their vision board.
TOP TIP: Have your vision board somewhere visible, where your child can see it daily, this could be their bedroom wall or on their ceiling above their bed, and they can see it when they wake up in the morning.
About Me
How I connected my passion to Writing
If you are not aware, I am a qualified English/Drama teacher and a playwright. a few moons ago, I had my theatre group, and we used to perform my plays in local theatres around London.
Theatre is my ultimate passion, and I am blessed to perform some of my scripts in one of the most eclectic fringe theatres around London.
So there is always a way where your child can connect their passions to writing.
So to Conclude:
Top 6 Ways To Connect Your Child's Passion To Writing
Find Out What They Enjoy
Get Them To Add Their Interests Into Their Stories
Get A Book/Audiobook That Matches Their Interests
Show Interest In What They Enjoy
Create Debate Topics Around What They Like
Draw a vision board